
Ndala Live

Who is Ndala Live?

Ndala Booker, Ed.D. has been a passionate advocate of critical thinking and academic success since 2007. Speaker, Trainer, and Educator, she has presented workshops and seminars nationally and internationally, across multiple academic disciplines and different types of organizations. Her audiences find her passionate, engaging, and full of energy. She shares vital information that, when applied, can make a great impact on a person's experience, whether professional, academic, or personal.

Why Critical Thinking?

The development of critical thinking skills has been adopted universally as an important goal. Ndala believes that everything we do starts with a thought. If an individual can improve their thought process, they can improve everything else about their life. The quality of all we do is determined by the quality of the way we think. Improving the quality of our thinking elevates performance and productivity in academic, business and personal arenas. As each of us works on thinking better, we enhance our own space. And when that happens, we can change the world. So, in essence…
Change Your Space, Change the World.


For business and organizations, Changing Spaces focuses on professional development for businesses and organizations in Critical Thinking, Analytical Thinking and Business Value Analysis. Through seminars and workshops, Ndala offers a framework which, when internalized and applied, can help individuals become better thinkers. She is a high-energy, passionate, and engaging presenter whose presentations are received enthusiastically by participants both young and old.

Speaking Biography

2023 Keynote Presentations

University of Wisconsin E-Business Consortium (UWEBC 2023)
October 2023 The Thinking Edge in Customer Engagement: The Power of Critical Thinking from Insight to Impact
Professional Associations for Customer Engagement
(PACE-ACX ‘22), October 2022 Innovative Thinking for Today’s Customer Experience Professional

2022/2023 Critical Thinking Presentations/Workshops/Seminars

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Daytona Beach, Florida, November 2023 Rethinking Thinking: Foundational Critical Thinking for the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Student
Somos, Inc.
Philadelphia Pennsylvania, September 2023 Mastering Difficult Dialog: The Art of Critical Thinking in Crucial Conversations and Conflict Resolution

Previous Events

Upcoming Events

Reviews & Comments

Attending Ndala Booker's workshop on critical thinking at the LinkUnite Nashville conference was a highlight of my experience. From the moment she began speaking, it was evident that Ndala possesses a profound intelligence and eloquence that immediately engaged the audience. Her ability to break down complex ideas into accessible, actionable insights is truly remarkable. Ndala guided us through a series of interactive exercises designed to help us sift through various types of messaging to uncover the underlying truth. These exercises were not only intellectually stimulating but also highly practical, providing us with tools we can apply in both our personal and professional lives. By encouraging us to question assumptions and evaluate information critically, Ndala empowered us to become more discerning and effective communicators. Her approach was refreshingly interactive, fostering a collaborative learning environment where participants felt comfortable sharing their thoughts and insights. This collaborative atmosphere not only enriched the workshop experience but also reinforced the importance of diverse perspectives in critical thinking. Ndala's workshop is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to enhance their critical thinking skills. Her insights are particularly relevant in today's information-saturated world, where the ability to distinguish fact from fiction is more important than ever. I left the session feeling inspired and equipped with a new set of tools to navigate the complexities of modern communication. Ndala Booker’s workshop is a must-attend for anyone seeking to improve their critical thinking abilities. Her intelligence, eloquence, and interactive teaching style make for an enlightening and empowering experience. I highly recommend learning from her at every opportunity.

Debra Pivko

Intrigue Creative, Biz Deb, Female Power Players

Ndala Live- Thank you! I have to agree that it was amazing to see such an interest to elevate their critical thinking skills. After attending your session at the monthly DEI Consumer Consent meeting, I knew our colleagues would benefit from this interactive exercise! Looking forward to partnering with you in the future!

Patrick Sweeney

VP, People Fluent Leader in Customer acquisition for growth-minded marketers

Booking Information

Questions or Comments?
To enquire about any of our programs,  and for booking, registration, fees etc.